Working together to create something wonderful... 

Working together to create something wonderful... 


Summer of Surf strives to always create something positive...

We at Summer of Surf are always seeking ways to positively impact our community and our world. With our new 501 (c) 3, not for profit, educational organization we will be reaching out to youth and adults all over Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties and the Special Needs Communities to create and deliver memorable ocean experiences.

As we grow, we aim to partner with a variety of organizations, coalitions and private enterprises that will help us become better stewards of our planet and her oceans.

Here are a few examples of these organizations that missions match many of our own beliefs:

Blue Business Council: This is a network of companies that work to protect the coast, bays, rivers and streams of our beautiful state.

The Conservation Alliance: With a focus on protecting our wild places, habitats and working to integrate recreation into these areas while protecting their environments, the alliance has achieved stunning results. Working together the Alliance has helped protect 45 million acres, 2,972 miles of rivers, halted or removed 28 dams, purchased 11 climbing areas and help designate 5 marine reserves...and they are just getting started.

Surfrider Foundation: The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world's ocean, waves and beaches through a powerful activist network.

1% for the Planet: An alliance of businesses that believe protecting our natural environment is directly linked to how we care for our planets resources and health. That profit and loss are as much a part of daily operations as are the social and environmental impacts of business on our planet. Founded by our friend and business neighbor Yvon Chouinard, founder and owner of Patagonia, we look forward to a time that all businesses embrace the importance of our impact on our earth.